Great Harbor Racing Team
Boats: Optis, Turbo 420s, Luders, IODs
When: Mon - Thurs: 1:00 - 4:30
Tuition: $200 / week * LCYC will pay for the classes the advanced students attend.
This new course builds on the Great Harbor Dream initiative to appeal to sailors who are eager to pursue excellence and competency in a wide range of racing boats. Development of these skills will afford opportunities to participate in Turbo 420, Optimist, Luders and IOD racing. All registrants should be competent sailors and anxious to develop their skills in a variety of areas. Each week's curriculum will include an opportunity for both the intermediate and advanced student to receive instruction in pre-race boat set up, crew preparations, rigging and tuning for speed, starting techniques, spinnaker and trapeze work, capsize and recovery, sail trim, mark roundings, tactics, rules of racing and team work.
Monday: Turbo & Opti Practice
Tuesday: Turbo & Opti Practice
Thursday: Luders & IOD Practice OPTIONAL
Please contact Drew Hopkins at NEHSS 276-5101 for opportunities to race in the Friday & Sunday Luders Series, Monday & Saturday IOD Series, and various Cruising Class races.
Weekly Highlights
WEEK 1 | July 4-7 | Junior Hospice Regatta 7/8
WEEK 2 | July 11-14 | Junior Olympics
WEEK 3 | July 18-21 | Peggy Kennedy Race
WEEK 4 | July 25-28 | SWHF Junior Invitational
WEEK 6 | Aug 8-11 | Seal Harbor Regatta in Turbos and Optis, Campbell Henry 420 Races
WEEK 7 | Aug 15-18 | Barton Eddison IOD racing
The Great Harbor Organizations
MDI Community Sailing Center (MDICSC), Northeast Harbor Sailing School (NEHSS), Seal Harbor Yacht Club (SHYC), and our very own Little Cranberry Yacht Club.
The collective goal was to create an environment where youth sailors in the Great Harbor come together, learn together, and sail as a group. This physical dock has been created off Greenngs Island- where 24 Turbo 420’s can be stored and students can meet, learn, sail, and race, as well as socialize. Our combined efforts ensure that we offer exciting and fun opportunities for our youth to enjoy sailing and experience sailboat racing. Getting to know other teens who share a similar interest in the Mount Desert area is creating a vibrant social environment.